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CSNS Members Code of Conduct
In addition to the discipline that your pool hall may impose, you are subject to the separate authority of the Executive Committee (EC) for violations of Cue Sports Nova Scotia (CSNS) rules and policies.  The EC may impose appropriate discipline, up to and including probation or suspension from CSNS, for certain misconduct during ranking events, as well as for conduct detrimental to the integrity of or public confidence in CSNS. Discipline involving behavior such as unnecessary physical altercation, unsportsmanlike conduct with respect to opposing players, engaging in illegal activity, and/or not following the rules and regulations set out by the hosting pool hall will be determined initially by Tournament Director.  Violations may entail warnings, disqualification, probation, and/or suspension and may be subject to further discussion and decisions by the EC and directors of CSNS.


Sportsmanship is a cornerstone of the game of pool and of vital concern to everyone involved in the game, including members, spectators and employees. The term sportsmanship conveys respect for the game, respect for opponents, respect for the tournament director(s) (TDs), respect for the pool hall and respect for the spectators.

CSNS will not tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct. This applies to any act which is contrary to the generally understood principles of sportsmanship. Unsportsmanlike conduct, as discussed previously in this section, is not acceptable.  The TDs will immediately address any unsportsmanlike conduct occurs anytime during a ranking event.

It is important to note that the unsportsmanlike conduct rules apply to all members of CSNS, including members engaged in the game, and members whom may be spectating. Lack of respect or other unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated during games or at other times, including pre and post-game times. This includes abusive, threatening, insulting, or profane language or gestures, and physical acts by members and/or spectators directed at opponents, employees, tournament directors and/or spectators.
Illegal acts that jeopardize the safety of members and/or employees will not be tolerated. If employees of a pool hall require police presence in order to remove, arrest, or deescalate a situation, the player(s) involved will receive an automatic suspension from CSNS events, for the remainder of the season.


Examples of good sportsmanship:

  • When it is your opponent’s turn to shoot, sit in your chair, be still, and be quiet.

  • When the game is over, shake your opponent’s hand, look them in the eye, and congratulate them on a good game, whether you win or lose.  

  • Calling a foul on yourself even if your opponent did not see it.

  • Asking for a referee before a shot if the shot is questionable.

  • Taking a break only when it is your turn at the table

  • Not talking to players while they are shooting


Discipline may be imposed for a first offense and without any prior warning. A player who is a repeat offender should expect more severe discipline, and fines for third offenses and beyond in the same season or based on prior seasons’ violations will be established on a case-by-case basis, and may increase substantially. In addition, suspension may be imposed when deemed appropriate.

Discipline is not based solely on situations where the TD is involved. In some cases, a violation may be occur in the absence of the TD, or occur pre/post game without the TD being informed. If a review by the EC establishes an egregious violation, particularly involving safety of the members involved, the offender may be subject to suspension.  All efforts will be made to inform the parties involved as soon as possible.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Any act irrelevant to the game of pool that creates an unnecessary risk of injury to an opposing player will result in a level of discipline substantially higher than normal levels whether or not the individual is a repeat offender. First offenses are subject to severe discipline up to and including suspension. Such malicious behavior includes, but is not limited to, striking or kicking an opponent or property, or use of foreign objects.
Offenses against Tournament Director

All CSNS members must maintain proper respect for the TDs at all times. Offenses against Include: (1) physical contact with TD including but not limited to punching, pushing, shoving, grabbing, or other intimidating or interfering contact; and (2) verbal or other non-physical abuse of TDs, such as profanity and other abusive language or gestures (3) not adhering to the directions given by the TDs. Offenses against TDs are strictly prohibited and will result in warnings, immediate disqualifications, and possibly suspensions or banishment.

This policy applies at all ranking locations. Please note that public criticism by CSNS members of the TDs, it’s EC or directors or is prohibited and is subject to discipline.


CSNS policy on fighting is very simple: Zero Tolerance, and if a fight breaks out involving other members, stay away.  If you are challenged, walk away from the situation and continue playing pool. Fights during CSNS sanctioned events are pointless and only lead to disciplinary action and disqualification from the event, all of which hurt our credibility with the hosting pool hall.

Being involved in a fight includes, but is not limited to: creating a risk of injury for TDs, members, spectators, employees; interfering with a TD; contact with opposing players; abusive language or gestures; and other provocative actions that could aggravate the situation or lead to escalation of the fight.


Taunting is the use of abusive, threatening, or insulting language or gestures to opponents, spectators, TD and employees. Taunting is prohibited and subject to discipline. Taunting focuses on acts directed at an opponent. Obviously, it is not possible to identify in advance every action that may constitute taunting, and final judgment on this is left to the TDs.

Sharking is considered ‘Performing some act or making some utterance with the intent to distract, irritate or intimidate the opponent so that they do not perform well, miss a shot, etc.’  CSNS forbids blatant sharking, as a form of unsportsmanlike conduct.  Examples of sharking include, but are not limited to: shouting or talking when your opponent is at the table, intentionally playing slow or fast, yelling, chalking, asking him/her which ball s/he is shooting just as s/he’s taking her stroke, walking in the line of aim, shooting balls on a different table, walking away from the table when your opponent is shooting, etc.  If you are sitting in your chair and s/he happens to line up a shot toward you, don’t twitch, and don’t move away. 


Reacting to Sharking/Taunting
Stop your play and calmly explain to the offender that their behavior is bothering you.  Ask them to stop and/or move away from your line of sight.  If someone is doing something that really bothers you and is distracting, it could be an innocent error.  Just explain the situation to your opponent.  If the situation is not resolved, contact the TD immediately.



Contact with Spectators/Employees

A CSNS member may also be subject to discipline if s/he makes physical contact with spectators or employees in a way that constitutes unsportsmanlike conduct, or presents crowd-control issues and risk of injury. Pool halls are responsible for handling such situations appropriately within their normal security operations as well if employees are involved.



Violations of These Rules 

Notwithstanding all disciplines previous outlined in this Code of Conduct, all incidents will be immediately addressed by the TDs.  The disciplinary decision, if any, will be at the discretion of the TDs.  Further discussion may be required, first within the EC, and then with the directors.  Disciplinary actions will be decided on in the following order (1) immediately by the TDs (2) brought to the attention of the EC for discussion and decision (3) if warranted, voted on by the directors of CSNS.  All decisions will be made and members involved shall be notified within 7 days following the incident.


Disciplinary Actions

  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Warning and/or disqualification and/or suspension and/or probation and/or banishment.

  • Fighting: Immediate Disqualification and/or suspension and/or probation and banishment.  Length of time to be determined by EC and Directors

  • Illegal activity: Immediate Disqualification and/or suspension and/or probation and/or banishment. Length of time to be determined by EC and Directors

  • Police involvement (called on by the pool hall establishment): Immediate Suspension for remainder of season.  Length of time to be determined by EC and Directors

  • Offense against TDs: Warning and/or disqualification and/or suspension and/or probation and/or banishment.  Length of time to be determined by EC and Directors

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